Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Funny Valentine

I cannot think of a time when I have ever disliked Valentine's day. I mean it! As I kid I loved writing Valentine's for my classmates and making a Valentine card sack out of a brown paper bag (anyone else ever do that?), then later as I got older spending the holiday with friends and loved ones. Valentine's day isn't just for sweethearts, it is for whoever you care about, and I always had such a good time no matter what!

Well, yesterday, I disliked Valentine's day. The day started out so rotten! I had a flat tire, I was late for work, I had a paper due that I was not feeling too great about, and I had a headache. Really, it was just not my day. On my way home after getting new tires, and a bottle of wine, I still had a headache and just didn't feel like celebrating Valentine's day. Let me just say right now that I am married to the most amazing man. Almost in anticipation of my downcast mood, Grant had surprised me with beautiful flowers on our coffee table, picked up the house and was walking the dog. For the first time all day I felt as if I could just breathe! The evening only got better as we poured over our mail. Valentine's day cards and a goodie box filled with candy from our parents, a wedding, a baby shower and a 50th anniversary celebration invitations were all waiting for us! Talk about love!

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