Tuesday, February 12, 2013

There is Something...

The last few days I have been preparing for a research trip to the University of Kansas and have been incredibly busy doing so! There are so many loose ends to get tied up before I head out. I think one of the things I am looking forward to the most is that I am leaving incredibly early in the morning. Driving into the great and wild prairie landscape under the growing light of a waxing moon. There is something so adventurous and romantic about that, but maybe I am biased, I love the prairie. Its vastness and wildness, and the absolute serenity of being in that much openness.

One of my favorite things of planning a trip to somewhere I have never been is to to make a playlist, and I try to find new music to act as the backbone to such a playlist. This feels like an evolutionary process...like growing pains. I suppose what I mean is that by constructing sensory experiences I am allowed to feel new too...or that I can't predict what the experience will be like. There is something exciting about this to me, almost an act of self-analysis.

In the last 12 hours I have fallen madly in love with the sound of First Aid Kit. Here is a little bit of what I have been enjoying! I hope that you like it too.

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